Pathology 2 Exam 2 - endocrine/blood Flashcards | Knowt (2024)


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Endocrine system

  • cells that secrete hormones directly into the blood

  • Hormones modify functions of target cells

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Polypeptide hormones

  • synthesized and stored in granules


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Steroid hormones

  • not stored

  • mineralocorticoids, cotisol, steroids, sex steroids

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Amino acid derivatives

  • T3, T4, catecholamine

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Primary hyperfunction of Endocrine System

  • issue is is the endocrine organ itself

    • often neoplastic for hyperfunction

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Primary hyporfunction of Endocrine System

  • Immune-mediated injury: hypothyroid

  • Failure of development: dwarfism

  • Genetic hormone synthesis defect: genetic defect

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Secondary hyperfunction of Endocrine System

  • a lesion in other organ secretes an excess of trophic hormone

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Secondary hypofunction of Endocrine System

  • a destructive lesion in one organ such as pituitary, interferes with trophic hormone release

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Hypersecretion of hormones by non-endocrine tumors

  • Most are peptides

  • Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy

    • secretion of PTHrP by cancer

    • T cell lymphoma

    • Apocrine anal sac adenocarcinomas

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Endocrine dysfunction resulting from failure of target cell response

  • insulin resistance

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Failure of fetal endocrine function

  • common in ruminants

  • can cause prolonged gestation

  • Genetic –failure of development (aplasia) of the adenohypophysis

  • Toxic plants - Veratrum californicum in sheep

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Abnormal Hormone Degradation

  • Increased degradation

    • Induction of liver enzymes

    • phenobarbital

  • Decreased degradation

    • Persistent elevated blood hormone levels

    • hyperestrogenism with cirrhosis

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  • Posterior lobe of pituitary

    • Hormones: Oxytocin, ADH

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  • Pituitary section

  • Influenced by releasing hormones from the hypothalamus

    • Pars Distalis (Anterior Lobe): ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, LTH, GH

    • Pars Intermedia (Posterior Lobe): ACTH in dogs

    • Pars Tuberalis: Capillaries

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Juvenile Panhypopituitarism (Pituitary Dwarfism)

  • Pituitary Cyst from failure of Rathke’s pouch differentiation

    • Low GH, TSH, prolactin, and gonadotropins. ACTH

  • Autosomal recessive

  • Slower growth rate: normal until 2 months old

  • retention of puppy coat

  • bilateral symmetrical alopecia

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Corticotroph (ACTH-secreting) Adenoma

  • Derived from corticotroph cells in pars distalis or pars intermedia

  • Causes cortisol excess

    • canine hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s)

  • Pot-bellied appearance, hepatomegaly, muscle atrophy, fat redistribution

  • PU/PD

    • Bostons, Boxers, Dachshunds

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Pars Intermedia (Melanotroph) Adenoma

  • Common in horses, common in older horses

    • females>males

    • Large and compressive

  • Causes Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction PPID

  • Produces POMC-derived peptides

  • PU/PD, laminitis, increased appetite, weakness, somnolence, hyperhidrosis, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, hirsutism.

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Somatotroph Adenomas

  • rare

  • Growth hormone-secreting acidophils

  • Can cause acromegaly (overgrowth of CT, bone, and viscera) insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, Jay Leno chin: cats

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Diabetes Insipidus

  • Hypophyseal Form

    • Inadequate ADH due to destruction of Neurohypophysis

  • Nephrogenic Form

    • Target cell defect

  • PU/PD, hypo-osmotic urine,

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Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s Disease)

  • Functional ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma

  • Functional adrenal cortical adenoma or carcinoma: most common

  • Idiopathic hyperplasia: dogs

    • Calcinosis Cutis (calcification)

  • Chronic corticosteroid use or excessive cortisol

  • Neutrophilia without a left shift, high glucose, high alkaline phosphate, low urine spec gravity

  • Delayed wound healing, frequent infections, increased appetite, pendulous abdomen, bilateral alopecia

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Adrenal Cortical Nodular Hyperplasia

  • Multiple discrete nodules of any of the 3 cortical zones

  • Older animals

  • bilateral: both glands

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Adrenal Cortical Hyperplasia Diffuse

  • Bilateral, diffuse, uniform

  • Response to excessive ACTH from functional pituitary adenoma

    • Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s)

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Adrenal Cortical Adenoma

  • Single, unilateral, well demarcated and differentiated

  • Functional

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Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma

  • Older dogs

  • Less common than adenomas

  • Large and bilateral often functional

  • Highly metastatic & invasive

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Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s Disease)

  • Low glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids

  • adrenal glands are mainly medulla

  • K+ is retained and Na+ and Cl- are lost

  • Idiopathic adrenocortical atrophy, immune-mediated destruction, stopping long-term steroid therapy, pituitary lesions

  • Weight loss, gastroenteritis, low stress tolerance, shock

  • Common in standard poodles

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  • Red masses

  • Most common adrenal medulla neoplasm

  • Composed of Epi or norEpi secreting cells.

  • Small: stay localized in adrenal

  • Large: metastasize into vena cava and aorta

  • Functional: catecholamine overproduction

    • Tachycardia, edema, cardiac hypertrophy.

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Adrenal Hemorrhage

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Follicular cells

  • Surrounding cells

  • Thyroid endocrine cell.

  • Cuboidal to columnar.

  • Single layer around colloid-filled follicles.

  • Regulated via Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis.

  • Produce T3 and T4

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Parafollicular Cells

  • Thyroid C cell

  • Produce calcitonin

    • Respond to reduce plasma [calcium]

    • Chronic hypercalcemia causes hyperplasia cells

  • Not controlled by TSH

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Ectopic Thyroid Tissue

  • Base of the tongue around developing glands

  • Can migrate from caudally to diaphragm

  • Dogs: near the ascending aorta

    • thyroid carcinoma is ddx for heart tumor

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Thyroglossal Duct Cysts

  • From thyroglossal duct remnants.

  • Small cysts or sinus tracts along necks midline

  • contain watery secretions

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  • Nonneoplastic Enlargement due to follicular cell hyperplasia

  • Diffuse: compensatory, TSH-induced response to hypothyroidism

  • multinodular: in old cats, functional, independent, hyperthyroidism)

  • High/low Iodine TH defects, goitrogens

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Iodine Deficiency

  • Fetal and neonatal periods: diffuse goiter

  • grossly Diffusely enlarged and reddened goiter

  • Increased vascularity, large follicles, decreased luminal diameter, follicular cell hypertrophy.

  • Fetus – myxedema (edema & glycosaminoglycans) in dermis,

    less hair

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  • Compounds causing hyperplastic goiter

    • plants and drugs

  • High/low iodine increases sensitivity

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Colloid Goiter

  • involution stage Post-dietary iodine repletion in hyperplastic goiter

  • Thyroid gland stays large

  • Atrophic follicular cells due to low TSH

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Canine Hypothyroidism

  • Older dogs

  • 90% cases are primary

    • Idiopathic follicular atrophy

    • Lymphocytic thyroiditis.

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Idiopathic Follicular Atrophy

  • Shrunken, pale thyroid gland.

  • Parenchyma lost or replaced by fat

  • Possible end-stage of autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis

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Lymphoplasmacytic Thyroiditis

  • Autoimmune thyroid disease.

    • Infiltration by thyroid-reactive T lymphocytes.

    • Triggered by genetic and environmental factors.

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Follicular Adenoma

  • Old cats> dogs

  • functional, leading to hyperthyroidism.

  • Discrete tan to brown nodules, tissue compression

  • Feel thyroid on PE

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Follicular Carcinoma

  • Dogs

  • Large and vascular

  • Non functional

  • from ectopic thyroid tissue with metastasis to lungs

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Thyroid C-cell Hyperplasia & Neoplasia

  • C-cell Adenoma

    • Equine thyroid tumor

    • incidental at necropsy

  • C-cell Carcinoma:

    • Bulls and dogs

      • high-calcium diets

      • Increased vertebral bone density

    • metastasize to regional lymph nodes or lungs.

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Parathyroid Gland

  • paired glands near the thyroids

    • Dogs and Cats: Bilateral external and internal

  • made of chief cells (PTH)

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Chief cells

  • Parathyroid Gland cells

  • release PTH in response to low ionized calcium

    • activates osteoclasts to absorb ca

    • block reabsorption of phosphorus

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Chief Cell Atrophy and Hypoparathyroidism

  • Low PTH release or poor PTH response

    • low calcemia and high phosphorus

  • Risks: Mini schnauzers, thyroidectomy cats

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Primary Hyperparathyroidism

  • High PTH secretion

  • Parathyroid adenomas, chief cell carcinoma: dogs

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Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism

  • High phosphorus and low calcium

    • low cholecalciferol, calcium deficiency

  • More common

  • diffuse and bilateral.

  • Big head dx in horses

    • bone replaced with CT

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Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism

  • poor calcitriol synthesis

  • low GFR, high phosphorus, low calcium in blood

  • Causes high PTH leading to fibrous osteodystrophy

    • rubber jaw

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Diabetes Mellitus

  • Hypofunction

    • Pancreatic Islet B Aplasia/Hypoplasia: puppies

    • Degeneration or Necrosis

    • Immune-Mediated Inflammation: islet cell destruction.

    • Chronic Pancreatitis: endocrine and exocrine tissue destruction

    • Insulin-Resistance: Cats

  • Low immune response, UTI, cataracts, polyuria

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  • β-Cell (Insulin Secreting) Neoplasms

    • β-Cell Carcinoma common in right lobe of dogs

    • meets liver and lymph nodes

  • Common in dogs and ferrets (benign in ferrets)

  • Appearance: Solitary, yellow to red, round nodules, small

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Pancreatic Nodular Hyperplasia

  • Multiple small nodules

  • gray to tan

  • Old animals

  • incidental

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Bone Marrow

  • primary adult hematopoietic site

  • neonate to adult there is bone marrow contraction found in spaces of axial bone and proximal femur/humerus

  • divided into yellow and red

  • Dynamically active

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Hematopoiesis development

  1. mesonephric

  2. liver

  3. bone marrow

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Red marrow

  • hematopoietic tissues mixed with trabecular bone and adipose tissue

  • Vascular

  • Appears grossly red

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Yellow marrow

  • bone marrow contracts into the proximal diaphysis of the femur and humerus

  • replaced with adipose tissue within the trabecular bone

  • juvenile dog – marrow spaces diffusely red

  • adult dog proximal diaphysis is red

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hematopoietic stem cells

  • stimulated by chronic inflam or anemia

  • increase red and decrease yellow marrow

    • normal in cats

  • form extramedullary hematopoiesis in tissues

    • spleen, liver, and lymph nodes

    • Wont cross by BBB

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Best place to get a bone marrow sample from a cat or dog?

  • Proximal humerus and femur

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Best place to get a bone marrow sample from a horse?

  • Sternum

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Bone Marrow Samples

  • Need a CBC and history to interpret: within 24 hours

  • Do not package cytology with formalin or cold packs

  • Cytology: smears or aspirates, often a touch prep, slight squash, or smear from the core bone biopsy

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Histologic sample

  • examination of

    • architectural changes

    • myelofibrosis

    • mature myeloid cells

    • neoplasias

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Cytologic sample

  • examination of

    • myeloproliferative disorders

    • myelodysplasias

    • immune-mediated diseases

    • immature and mature myeloid cell lines

    • infectious organisms

    • leukemias

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  • bone marrow atrophy

  • developed normally than decreased in size

  • Direct injury reduces hematopoietic cells

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  • Hypoplasia

  • fibrosis replacing the hematopoietic tissue

  • results in cytopenias and decreased myeloid production

    • detected on CBC

  • chronic inflam, infectious dx, immune-mediated dx, toxicities

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  • increase production or one or multiple cell lines

  • response to extramedullary tissue injury

  • increased BM production

  • EX: hemorrhage, premature destruction of erythrocytes

    (hemolysis), inflammation within the tissues

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  • Caused by marrow-directed injury or disturbances

    • not cancer

  • abnormal hematopoietic cell development

  • NOT the same as myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS): neoplasia

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  • failure of a hematopoietic cell to develop

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Aplastic anemia

  • caused by toxins

    • chemo agent 5-fluorouracil

  • deficiency of all types of blood cells

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  • Bone marrow inflammation!

  • Often seen with IMHA - dogs & cats

  • Granulomatous type

    • systemic fungal infections or mycobacteriosis

  • Acute/neutrophilic type

    • bacterial infections and immune mediated

  • Histologic: shows infiltrates, fibrin, edema, necrosis

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Bone Marrow Necrosis

  • seen in medullary component, stromal cells, and stroma

  • can cause cytopenias in severe cases

  • If patient survives than can make a complete recovery of hematopoiesis or may undergo scar formation

  • DIC, sepsis, infection, medullary and extramedullary neoplasia

    • leukemia

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  • displacement of hematopoietic tissue by fibrosis, neoplasia, or granulomas

  • can cause non-regenerative anemia and cytopenias

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  • fibrosis in the bone marrow

  • can cause non-regenerative anemia and cytopenias

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MPN Polycythemia vera

  • causes hyperviscosity of the blood: cats

    • erythematous mucous membranes

  • Acute myeloid leukemia AML with lymphocyte differentiation

  • Myeloproliferative neoplasm

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Acute myeloid leukemia AML

  • Acute myeloid leukemia

  • > 20% blast cells in blood or bone marrow

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Myeloproliferative neoplasms

  • Cytosis of mature cells in blood

  • hypercellular bone marrow

  • <5% of blasts cells

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Myelodysplastic syndrome MDS

  • Nonregenerative cytopenia

  • dysplasia

  • Small to moderate increase 5-20% of blast cells

  • CHRONIC : has fibrin

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Bone Marrow – miscellaneous disease

  • Serious atrophy of fat

  • Gelatinous transformation of fat within the marrow

  • due to starvation / malnutrition or chronic disease

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Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia CLL

  • most common leukemia in dogs

    • middle aged to older dogs: small to medium sized cells

  • ~70% are T-cell type, arise in the splenic red pulp with minimal BM involvement

  • ~30% are B-cell, arise in bone marrow

    • associated with a monoclonal gammopathy and gradual myelophthisis

  • Better long-term survival: more then a year

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  • Primary type is extremely rare: domestic species

  • commonly caused by metastatic spread of mast cell tumors in dogs

  • Rare in cats

    • release of mast cells from visceral sites (usually splenic) or

      cutaneous mast cell tumors

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Multiple Myeloma MM

  • Plasma cell tumor: either arising in the BM, or extramedullary plasma cell tumors - oral/skin (EMP)

    • most common in dogs

  • rare to find circulating in the blood

  • Needs 2 or 3 of the following:

    • Increased plasma cells in the BM

    • Monoclonal gammopathy: hyperglobulinemia

    • Radiographic evidence of osteolysis

    • Light chain proteinuria: antibody in urine

  • metastasize to the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and kidneys

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Myeloid tissues

  • bone marrow and blood cells

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Lymphoid system

  • lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and lymphocytes

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  • Red pulp: hematopoiesis, storage, macrophage blood filtration

  • White pulp: lymphoid component

    • No lymphatic vessels

    • Vulnerable to BB pathogens

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Spleen Samples

  • send out the whole spleen

  • masses are mostly necrotic hemorrhage

    • aka, useless

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Diffuse Congested Splenomegaly

  • Oozes, dark red, soft and friable

  • Sinuses are dilated filled with blood

  • Increased distance between white pulp

  • Trabeculae are thinned

  • Disturbances in systemic and portal circulation

    • Rare in animals with heart failure (liver is more affected)

  • Acute secondary hemolytic anemias

  • barbiturates

  • splenic volvulus: dogs and pigs

    • deep chested breeds

    • twisted spleen

  • infections

    • Anthrax

    • African Swine Fever

  • enlarged spleens

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Diffuse Non-Congested Splenomegaly

  • Dark red, firmer, "meaty", white spots, does not ooze

  • Diffuse cellular infiltrates increase spleen size

  • Diffuse while pulp lymphoid hyperplasia – some cause of chronic antigenic stimulation

  • White material on capsule (fibrous deposition)

  • Diffuse extramedullary hematopoiesis

  • Lymphoma, Mastocytosis(cats), Histiocytosis

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Pale Spleen

  • Pale, "waxy" feel, firm, slightly rubbery, does not ooze

  • Amyloidosis

  • limited to germinal centers and spare the red pulp

    • Sago spleen (looks like sago seeds)

  • stain a light pink with Congo Red and green when polarized

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Nodular Splenic Hyperplasia

  • Common senile change in dogs, old bulls

  • benign

  • tan, light to dark red, and hemorrhagic or bloody masses

  • nodules compress vasculature causing necrosis and hemorrhage

  • Complex type: contains lymphoid, EMH, and stromal proliferation

  • Lymphoid type: white pulp

  • Hematopoietic type: red pulp

    • localized excessive extramedullary hematopoiesis

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Splenic Hemangiosarcoma

  • Most common primary splenic tumor in dogs

  • One large vascularized mass

  • send whole spleen to histopathology

  • Can metastasize to the omentum

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Metastatic Neoplasms to the Spleen

  • Not common

  • Macrophages are highly efficient at removing invaders

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  • hematogenous infections

  • Rhodococcus equi: equine

    • chronic suppurative bronchopneumonia with abscesses

  • Trueperella pyogenes: cattle

    • Pneumonia with septicemia multiple abscesses, endocarditis, polyarthritis, pleuritis, reproductive infections

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Splenic Infarcts

  • common in enlarged spleens

  • commonly seen in the supracapsular red pulp due to poor perfusion and decreased venous return

  • acute are hard to ID

  • Chronic are pale grey well demarcated, extend from capsule to the parenchyma, wedge shaped, scaring

  • Classical Swine Fever

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Splenic Rupture

  • Normal spleen: Level of trauma

  • Pathological rupture: minimal to mild trauma

  • acute: drained of blood

  • can heal in fragments forming multiple spleens

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Siderotic Plaques

  • Benign

  • Degenerative process seen in older dogs

  • Yellow, brown, gritty spots on margins

  • Deposits of bilirubin, hemosiderin, and calcium in the CT of the splenic capsule and trabeculae

  • Does not effect function of spleen

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Lymph node Atrophy

  • Small Lymph nodes

    • Senile change (common in cats, dogs, primates)

    • outflow Obstruction of efferent lymphatics

    • increased sinus pressure

    • Surgery, prolonged recumbency

    • Radiation

    • High doses of prednisone or chemotherapy

    • Cachexia (old goats and sheep)

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  • Very common

  • Lymphoid hyperplasia

  • Local or generalized(more serious)

  • Chronic antigenic stimulation

  • Retention of lymph node architecture

  • Salmonellosis, classical swine fever, African swine fever

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Hemorrhagic Lymph Nodes

  • Hemorrhage draining to regional nodes

  • Slightly red or hemorrhage

  • Diseases with vascular damage from toxins or vasculitis

    • Salmonellosis, classical swine fever, African swine fever

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Suppurative lymphadenitis

  • Common in bacterial septicemia

    • Salmonella spp.

    • Streptococcus equi (strangles), Streptococcus porcinus (jowl abscess in pigs)

    • Brucella spp., Truperella pyogenes, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis

    • Toxoplasmosis

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Granulomatous Lymphadenitis

  • High order bacteria (Mycobacterial)

    • Systemic fungal disease ( Blastomyces dermatitidis)

    • Foreign material

    • Rhodococcus equi:

      • Neonatal foals

      • Pulmonary, digestive, lymph nodes lesions

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Caseous lymphadenitis

  • Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis

  • problem in sheep and goats

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Metastatic Spread to Lymph Nodes

  • Carcinoma

  • Melanoma

  • Mast cell tumors

  • Sarcomas (spread hematogenously to liver /lungs before lymph)

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  • Capsule

  • Only T lymphocytes

  • No follicular structure

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Pathology 2 Exam 2 - endocrine/blood Flashcards | Knowt (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.