6 THE From )State COURIER Ohio River levels The following are the at 7 a.m. for the next three a.m. reading: Flood stage LOCATION (feet) Gallipolis, Ohio (LG). 50 Ashland, 52 Greenup Dam 54 Portsmouth, Ohio 50 Maysville, Ky. 50 Meidahl, Ohio 51 52 Markland Dam (LG).
51 forecasts for river stages days and yesterday's 7 Yester- Today's Tomor- Next day's fore- row's day's stage cast forecast fore(feet) (feet) (feet) cast 13.7 13.6 13.5 13.5 34.7 34.7 34.7 34.7 14.9 14.5 14.2 14.0 15.6 15.2 15.0 14.9 33.7 33.7 33.7 33.7 15.0 14.7 14.6 14.5 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.5 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.9 Louisville (UG) 23 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Louisville 55 12.5 12.5 12.3 12.1 Cannelton Dam (LG) 42 Newburgh, Ind. (LG) 38 Evansville, Ind. 42 Uniontown Dam (LG) 37 Shawneetown, Ill. 33 Golconda, 40 (LG) lower gauge, Extended Kentucky: Mild with a day, clearing and few weekend; highs in the 50s lower 50s over the weekend, and cooling into the mid and Sunday. 11.7 11.7 11.6 14.2 14.1 14.0 14.5 14.3 14.2 14.6 14.5 14.3 16.5 16.5 16.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 upper gauge JOURNAL, IN Editions WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1986 20 10 20 30 50 60 60 70 70 Fronts: Cold Warm Occluded ww Stationary so Snow flurries and showers are forecast for the Rocky Moun- tains today, while snow is expected in New York.
Kentucky forecast Louisville pollution index Mostly sunny and warmer today, fair tonight, The readings represent the single highest conpartly sunny and pleasant tomorrow; high today centration of any of the five monitored pollutants in the mid 40s, low tonight around 30, high tomor- at any time during the 24-hour period ending at row in the lower 50s. Winds southeast at 5 to 10 the time listed. mph. 8 a.m. yesterday 31 (good).
Elevated pollutant was sulfur dioxide. Indiana forecast 11 a.m. yesterday dioxide. 32 (good). Elevated pollutant was sulfur Sunny and warm today, clear tonight, partly 2 p.m.
yesterday 34 (good). Elevated pollusunny and warmer tomorrow; high today near 45, tant was sulfur dioxide. low tonight in the mid 30s, high tomorrow in the 5 p.m. yesterday 34 (good). Elevated pollumid 50s.
Winds south at 10 mph. tant was sulfur dioxide. Selected cities weather summary Temperatures indicate overnight lows, daytime highs. Precipitation for 24 hours, ending at 8 p.m. EDT.
Yesterday's City Lo-Hi Prec. Albany .00 Albuquerque .00 Anchorage .00 Atlanta Atlantic City 16-25 .00 Baltimore 18-24 Billings. 30-49 Birmingham Bismarck 14-36 Boise 04-30 Boston 09-15 Buffalo Burlington, -11-1 Casper. 30-45 Charleston, S.C. .00 Charleston, W.Va.
N.C......... 14-35 17-48 01 Charlotte, Chicago 16-27 Cincinnati 21-36 .00 12-22 .05 Columbia, S.C. 19-58 .00 Columbus, 14-28 Dallas-Ft. .00 Denver 24-62 Des Moines 24-31 13-24 El Paso 28-57 Fairbanks. 12-21 Fargo 08-20 23-49 Great Hartford.
Honolulu. 66-81 Houston 47-72 Indianapolis 17-33 Jackson, Miss. Juneau 41-42 Kansas .00 Indiana: Partly cloudy and mild Friday, mostly clear Saturday and Sunday; highs in the mid 30s to mid 40s, lows in the 20s. Around the world The following weather about 10 a.m. yesterday 24 hours.
City Amsterdam Athens Bangkok Belgrade Berlin Bermuda Bogota Brussels Buenos Aires Cairo Calgary Copenhagen Dublin Frankfurt Geneva Helsinki Hong Kong Istanbul Jerusalem Johannesburg Kiev Lima Lisbon London Madrid Manila Mexico City Montreal Moscow New Delhi Nicosia Osio Paris Peking Rome Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Vienna Warsaw Prestonsburg man, 31, killed in crash From Staff and Special Dispatches PRESTONSBURG, Ky. A year-old man was killed morning in an accident about miles west of Prestonsburg on 114. State police at Pikeville said ry Howell of rural Prestonsburg driving west on a snow covered when he apparently lost control slid into the eastbound lane. He struck by a vehicle driven by Thomas. Police said Floyd County Classified Advertising 582:2622 General Information Office Hours Telephone Sales Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sundays and Holidays: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Counter Sales Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To Place a Classified Ad, Call 1-502-582-2622 By 5 p.m. the previous day for regular, single column, metropolitan circulation. Ads for Sunday must be placed by 5 p.m., Friday.
For illustrated display and full circulation orders, deadline is two days prior to publication. To Cancel: Classified Ad, Call 1-502-582-2622 Cancellations received before 7 p.m. weekdays will be made for the next day's morning newspaper. Cancellations for the Sunday paper must be made by Friday. Special Condition Please check your ad.
If you find a mistake, please call us at 582-2622 before 1:00 p.m., so we can change it for the next day. All advertising is subject to the Publisher's Advertising Acceptance Guidelines. The Publisher has the right to decline any advertising which it deems unacceptable. The Publisher's liability for failure to publish or for errors shall be limited to the cost of the ad or of that portion of the ad in which any error appears. Classified Family Ads When you have something to sell, do what many other satisfied people douse Classified, it's the fast, easy, low-cost way to find a buyer.
Announcements 100 199 Employment 200 249 Instruction 250 299 Financial 300 340 Legal 105 145 Notices Lost Clerks office between 8:30 and 4:30, Monday through Friday. Bids will be opened at the regular council meeting on February 4, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. The city reserves the right to reiect or accept any or all bids. Lucille Wright, City Clerk Notice is hereby, given that Butchertown Federal Credit Union has filed claim with the Revenue Cabinet, Frankfort, Kentucky to recover $415.37 representing, unclaimed funds with Kentucky Revised Statute surrendered in accordance 393 by Cuna Mutual Insurance Group, Madison, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby given that Don F.
Blackburn has filed claim with the Revenue Cabinet, Frankfort, Kentucky to recover $43.05 representing unclaimed funds surrendered In accordance with Kentucky Revised Statute 393 by South Central Bell Telephone Company, Louisville, Kentucky. Notice is hereby given that Owen D. Funk has filed claim with the Revenue Cabinet, Frankfort, Kentucky to recover $136.96 that was surrendered in accordance with Ken-. tucky Revised Statute 393 by General Electric Schenectady, New York. PURSUANT TO KRS 376-280, 1975 Dodge left at Firestone 201 Broadway, on 3-8-85 by Joseph Coggins of 504 South 8th St.
Must be pick up within days or will be sold by Firestone on 1-20-86. Funeral 115 Directors CRALLE NEURATH UNDERWOOD 725 East Market 584-1191 2428 Frankfort Ave. 896-8821 FOREMAN 10600 Taylorsville Rd. Jeffersontown 267-5461 0. D.
White Sons Funeral Home 2727 South 3rd Street 637-4474 PEARSON FUNERAL HOME L. D. Pearson Son, Inc. 149 Breckenridge Ln. 896-0340 BARRETT FUNERAL HOME 1230 Bardstown Rd.
451-5530 HIGHLAND FUNERAL Home 3331 Taylorsville Rd. Off Dutchman's Ln. 451-4420 OWEN FUNERAL HOME 5317 Dixie Howy. 447-2600 Schoppenhorst Underwood 1832 W. Market 585-4394 Herb Morgan Manager THE McDANIEL Funeral Home, 4339 Inc.
Park 363-3566 363-3567 Blvd. Cemetery 120 Lots, Mausoleums BETHANY Memorial Ceretery. 2 graves, $450 each. Call 283-6921 CAVE HILL CAVE HILL CEMETERY Lots available at $430 to $700 per grave. Call or stop by Mon.
thru Sat. 8:30 to 4:30 584-8363 EVERGREEN, Section 27, lot 47, grave 1. $350. 774-8815, before 8am or after 6pm HIGHLAND Memorial Gardens, 6 lots, $195 ea. 775-6963 LOUISVILLE MEMORIAL GARDENS, Shively, Ky.
Save $1000 on 2 cemetery lots. Call 448-4471 for information In Memoriam 140 Wm. Patrick Downs Jan. 7th, 1959-Jan. 13th, 1984.
BILLY It's been 2 years since you left us for your Heavenly Home. You're always in our thoughts and prayers. Still sadly missed by Momma, Daddy, Tommy, Dee Dee and Beatle. In Loving Memory Of CLIFFORD D. Who passed away suddenly 23 yrs.
ago today. The golden gates stood open 23 vrs. ago today. With good-byes left unspoken, you gently passed away. Deeply missed by wife Geneva.
God Bless. IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOYCE FAYE BISHOP Jan. 14, 1982 Love: Ray, Melvin Becky Robin Lost 145 BILLFOLD, Coachgate or Crestwood area. Dec. 31.
Keep money return wallet. No questions asked. 222-7280 BRACELET ladies gold chain with name "'Niola' in script. Oxmoor area. Call: 222-1002 CAT, solid white female, Pleasure Ridge Park area, pregnant must have C-Section.
REWARD 935-8517 CAT Adult, neutered, male, gray paws, face stomach, name Jan. 7th from Cherokee Hills, REWARD. 896-0930 CAT, solid white female, declawed, deaf, Greenwood Rd area. 933-0474 after 5:30 REWARD $50 CAT, small, black feet tip of tail. Near Old Cannons Ln.
Responds 10 Kitty. 895-1404. REWARD CAT, male, orange, on Poils Ln. by Yorketown Apts. REWARD 367-8452 CAT, large, real shiny, black.
Almost solid white face. Answers to Kitty Cat. 637-1910. CAT -black white Persian, Rolling Hills, neighborhood. found, call 423-7021 CAT, large, all black, declawed, neutered, long, tail, Seneca Park area.
895-2750. CAT, male, black, long hair, in J- Town area. REWARD. Please call 267-0476. DOG, female, named "Dixie" lost Rangeland Rd area, mixed terrier, black brown body, white legs belly.
REWARD! Call 968-0860 or 367-9148. DOG, Siberian Husky, red white, north Bullift 'Answers to Call 957-2696. REWARD DOG, black Miniature Poodle, answers to 'Niki" lost in area of Grinstead Dr Willow Ave. 893-0686 or 459-5770 DOG, female, brown black. Has stiches.
Southern Pkwy. Irquois area. Call 361-9928. REWARD DOG, female Husky, 1 brown blue eye, has collar leash on. Area.
Call 423-1080 or 426-9639 REWARD DOG, male, large German Shepherd, tan black, red reflector collar, lost at Gilmore Ln. area. Call 968-1149. REWARD! DOG, small gray Terrier, goes by name Scruffy, lost in Lime Kilm Brittany Wood Area. Has collar If any information on her call 426-1443 DOG, small yellow brown chest white spot on back of neck.
Lost Outer Loop area. 636-1233 or 969-6720. DOG, white male Toy Poodle, lost Pikes Peak Patio Ct area. REWARD 366-7774 DOG- Benil type Terrier, light tan, short hair, top bottom teeth missing, answers 10 Lost Jan 10 in Shively area. 447-0237 after 3 p.m.
DOG, male black red toy Dachshund. Lost So. Preston St. area, Call 637-2014 or 964-8293. Reward.
DOG, female Poodle, 16 gray but some brown highlights. 20 Ibs. Reward 897-3296 or 587-7424. DOG. Black, white brown Chihuahua.
Lost in Confederate Acres. Answers to "Little Call 361-4091. DOG, Doberman female. Black markings. Lost in Preston St.
area. Recently had puppies. 966-0200 DOG, small, short hair, brown female. Name Hotdog. Lost Portland area.
Call 778-7201 or 778-9514 DOG, female Golden Labrador, light brown tips on paws, Phillips Lane Fairgrounds. Reward. 366-0239 DOG, female Beagle pup, lost Manslick Palatka Area. 367-2757 DOG, female, looks like small Doberman, black tan, view area. Reward.
968-5575 DOG, Miniature Poodle. Silver male, area. REWARD. 772-2363 DOG -Female, Jeffersontown area, golden coat eves, no tags, BJ" 267-7942 after DOG, female Border Collie, Lassie color, 11 timid, Okolona. Reward.
969-4770 DOG, male Rottweiler, child's pet, vicinity of Blevins Gap Rd. NAME REWARD. 937-5227 DOG, Boston Terrier, black white male, answers to Duke. Reward Offered! 367-9269 while area. Setter, DOG, English Shively 447-4768.
DOGS REWARD 2 Beagle Hounds collars. Female, blue tick, tri color. Need, has litter of pups. 1 male, tri color, tan white blanket back. Lost at Fisherville-New Chapman Rd.
area Hwy 148. (502) 964-8646 GLASSES, man's gold rim, possible Oxmoor or Krogers (Bardstown 367-7273 HUB-CAP, 1978 Cadillac, red center, Hurstbourne Lane Bardsfown Rd area, Jan. 8, 1986. Call 231-0907 KEYS on large safety pin the last week in December. Call 267-8437.
PIN, gold, engraved 1911, Crow's Nest Restaurant parkIng lot, 426-4919 PUPPY REWARD $100 pital. Call 937-9449 REWARD RING, wide gold band, Dec. 14th at Jefferson Mall, has sentimental value. 447-2463. WALLET at Oxmoor Center.
Reward! 812-952-3072 after 6 WATCH, diamond, 3 color goid, Howard Johnsons at 1st Jefferson. Call 895-5511 REWARD WATCH, gold locket, lost Dec. 15th at the Jefferson Mall. Inside reads Happy anniversary. Love Charlie.
Call 491-9332. REWARD if returned Child's pet. Female beagle puppy. Approx. 6 mos.
old. Black body, brown head, brown white spotted paws, wearing red collar, answers to the name lost Taylor Berry Blvd. area. 361-6501 or 363-4928 PUPPY, bird dog female, small black white black spots on legs, Highlands area, 451-7032 RABBIT, small black lop eared. Lost Fern Creek Area.
REWARD 231-1390 RING, Diamond engagement ring, af Southwest Hos- Found 150 NOTICE: Ads will be pubiished the FOUND classification without charge as a public service. davs Limit: Up to 25 words for 3 or less. BIKE, must describe to claim. Found Village Pines area. Call 944-5304 CAT, gray black stripes, found early Sun.
morning in Partridge Meadows housepet. Call to identify, 429-0935 CAT 8 mos. oid female wearing collar with bells, found Eastern Pkwy. Bradley, 634-1986 DIPLOMA from Ursuline Academy, Immaculate Conception, dated 1927. Found inside old picture frame.
Call Identify: 426-8668 DOG Female Siberian Husky, approx. yr. old, black white, found Shelbyville Rd. near Hurstbourne Apartments, 426-2519, 239-9355 DOG, 14 inch blonde male. North 1984.
Carolina rabies tag from Park area. 452-1843 DOG, Doberman Pincher, young female, area unknown, wearing child's T-Shirt Kentucky on it. Call 366-4640. DOG, small male, Douglass Hills area, found in December. Call identify after 4:30 pm al 245-2732 DOG, male, medium size, reddish color eye lashes.
Found in Cane Run Rd area. 935-0142 DOG, Beagle Hound. Westport Ln. Call 423-1212 to identify after 8 p.m. DOG, Russian Wolf Hound, Dec.
31, by the bridge in Indiana. 581-1681 DOG small, young black tan female found in Buechel area. Call identify: 491-8623 DOG, male Husky mix, Found Middletown Area. Call 245-0515 HUBCAP, spoked. Preston Howy, area.
Call 361-2934. KEYS, 2 identical brass keys on wire circle, vicinity of Camden Taylor Sun. Call 368-9451. TICKETS, (2), found at First National Bank on Jan. 12.
Call identify, 456-2248. WATCH, Ladies, Tumbleweed Restaurant on Outer Loop. Call identify. 499-8377 Information 155 Personals Church Wake Up 1. 2 KI.
12:9 2 Ki. 23:4 Mat. MK. Mk. 11:16 Jo.
8:47 2 Jo. 1:9 Church Wake Up 2. Isa. 1:13 Ho. 2:11 Col.
Gal. Ac. 15 Eph. 1:10 3:2 Col. Church Wake Up 3.
1 Cor. 14:34 1 Tim. 2:11 Rev. 2:30 2 Pet. 1:20 2 Cor.
1 Sam. 15:23 Church Wake Up 4. Gen. 1:26 St. Jo.
16:7 Eph. 5:20 1 Thes. 1 Jo. 5:7 Jo. 1:9 2 Cor.
11:14, Rev. 21:8 May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us.
St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times 8 day. By the 8th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail.
Publication must be promised. R. S. REWARD $3000 for the return of all items stolen from 136 S. Crestmoor Ave.
Saturday night or $1000 reward for information leading to the recovery of stolen items. No questions asked. Call 897-6887 Congratulations Marsha Harley S. and Jim. Jr.
ON YOUR WEDDING PARENTS give your sons age 8-12 unique musical social experience. Free music lessons in a group setting. No background needed. Jeffrey Smith, Christ Church Cathedral, 587-1354 Felt you'd already forgotten me. Others more important to you.
Can you let go? would. You never speak my name. How I've passed over your words here hurt. Be happy then forgetting. JOHN COUGAR TICKETS 3rd row.
5 for sale. Call 448-5759 8 pm. THANKS TO ST. JUDE for prayers answered. M.H.
NO. 1 Have always been true to you still am. But I'm very tired of all the hassling being pushed out. Thanks to ST. JUDE For prayers answered.
B.K. A new Teachers Publication FREE. Mail name address to: The Kentucky Teacher, PO Box 36021, Louisville 40233 Derby Box wanted, need 1 or 2. Friends from out of town coming, this year only. 896-6005 Good John Cougar Mellencamp seats available.
1-538-7846 160 Information Information 155 HELP CONVERT RUSSIA Pray the Rosary every day Join the Blue Army Thanks to The Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Holy Mary Mother of God, St. Jude, and St. Theresa. GN. For sale, John Cougar tickets 2 good seats 9, on the 366-8315 floor.
Call between 6 Male needs rider to Tampa Ft. Lauderdale area to share expenses. References 426-7977 SUPERMAN The monster will be hungry. Thank You Sacred Heart Of Jesus St. Jude for prayers answered.
D. L. M. Thanks to Lord Jesus, Mary Mother of God St. Jude.
For prayers answered. AMH THANKS TO ST. JUDE for petition granted. G.C. You have no reason to be lealous.
Have friends of opposite sex; all platonic. I loved you. Thank you St. Jude. B.G.
Thanks to St, Jude, for prayers answered. Terry Franklin. Information 160 Business Plasma Alliance Inc. 1538 Bardstown Rd. OPEN 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
7 a.m.-6 p.m. For Information call: 459-8130 FREE PREGNANCY TESTS EMW WOMEN'S SURGICAL CENTER the only STATE LICENSED FULLY ACCREDITED OUTPATIENT CLINIC in Kentucky offering; Abortion through 22 weeks Board certified Tubal Ligation Confidential Counseling 410 W. Chestnut Louisville, Ky. 589-2124 in Ky. 1-800-292-2189 Out of State 1-800-626-3512 FREE Pregnancy Test Womens Health Services 834 E.
Broadway, Suite 400 Pregnancy Termination (To 20 Weeks) Band-Aid Surgery (Tubal Ligation) By Certified OBS GYN Confidential Counseling Mon. Sat. 589-4030 In KY 1-800-722-5718 Out of State 1-800-626-5221 FREE PREGNANCY TEST Downtown Surgical Inc. State Licensed Clinic 200 S. 7th Street Suite 210.
Band- Aid Surgery. Abortion to 22 Weeks. Competitive Price. Mon. Sat.
589-6515 In Ky. 1-800-292-9433 Out of State 1-800-626-3533 OR 1-800-626-3532 EARN $27 The first week by donating your plasma you can qualify if: You are a new donor or 2. If You are a return donor after 6 mos. absence New donors accepted until 12:00 Mon. Thurs.
$15 first donation, $12 second donation in same week. Louisville Plasma Co. Cardinal Shopping Center 1913 S. 4th St. 634-8327 ATTENTION BLOOD DONORS NEEDED INTERSTATE BLOOD BANK "CASH 352 E.
Market FREE PREGNANCY TEST Quick Confidential Service NO SALES PRESSURE FREE PARKING Pregnancy Problem Center 1143 S. 6th. 583-2151 THINK YOU'RE PREGNANT? DON'T WANT TO BE! Women's Suburban Clinic Financial Assistance Available 224 B. BRECKENRIDGE LN. 893-9115 FORECLOSURE? I'll make up your back payments for an ownership interest.
You stay. Call Wayne Realtor 361-4128 BACHELOR PARTIES Let our dancers entertain your special party! Private party room. Rose 583-1657 nights. FREE PREGNANCY TEST Why abortion? Call BirthrightWe care about you. 589-2944.
FREE PREGNANCY TEST from 8 pm. Surgical Arts Centre 583-7711 FREE PREGNANCY TESTS From 8 pm. Abortion Advocates 583-9559 FREE PREGNANCY TEST Mon. between 8 4 pm Reisco Inc. 589-6206 Births.
170 EXTRA! EXTRA! SPECIAL DELIVERY BIRTHA, the Circulating Stork, will deliver a T- shirt for your baby. The Courier-Journal and The Louisville Times classified section will deliver your child's birth announcement to more than a quarter of a million households. YOU'LL GET: 1. A classified ad for TWO DAYS. 2.
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ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT Automobile dealership is in need of experienced accountant to assume full responsibilIty of managing office, Including general ledger, payroll, taxes financial statement. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Box W-811, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, 40202. ACCOUNTING ADVERTISING A Agency Public utility (Bloomington, Indiana area) has an opening for an experienced individual in its accounting department.
Degree not necessary, but should have equivalent education 2-3 years experience. Please send resume to: Box L-257, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY. 40202 Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTING ENTRY LEVEL Expand your abilities. Act now 458-3222 JOB NETWORK DIRECTOR Good opportunity for someone with 3-5 years retail experience.
Must have department store background. We are an established 4 A's agency in a medium size midwest city. Send resume salary requirements to: Box 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY, 40202. AIRLINES FLIGHT ATTENDANT WIll train.
Possible relocation. 458-3222 JOB NETWORK Operations. Super opportunity. Call 458-3222 JOB NETWORK ANIMAL Care. Full time permanent.
Must enjoy, animals. 458-3222 JOB NETWORK APARTMENT Resident Mgr. maintenance couple, ture, for luxury 54 unit adult apartment complex. East, end. Send resume to: 4616 Bittersweet Louisville, 40218 Seeking bright, energetic, career oriented person with 2 years minimum experience in design layout.
One of principle duties would be to oversee printing production. Send resume to: Sheryl Lauder, Franklin Ross Associates, 624 W. Main, Louisville, KY. 40202. ARTIST, up to $10 hr.
to start. Company now hiring. Call now 458-3222 JOB NETWORK ASSISTANT Momi. $15,000 vr. to start.
Immediate hire. Call 458-3222 JOB NETWORK ATTENDANTS for gas station. Part full time needed. Apply at: CSC Oil 6201 Preston Hgwy. AUTO As a result of an increase in our sales, we require 2 experienced automobile sales people.
Guaranteed salary plus commission and excellent bonus pian. We offer the opportunity to make $30,000 to $40,000 annually. See Larry Linton No phone calis Apply between AM ONLY! Jim Cooke 4th Breckinridge AUTO SALES openings in Used Car Department for experienced sales persons with following. We offer life and medical insurance, vacation plan, car allowance, and more. see Ken Scifres, Used Car Manager HANNAN OLDS Fern Valley Old Shep AUTO BODY PERSON Experience preferred, downtown dealer.
5 davs, excellent benefits. Reply to Box P-527, Times, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TECHNICIAN Looking for a change? 1. Better salary? More benefits? Better place to work? New facilities? Largest in county? Chance for advancement? Good working atmosphere? you are experienced looking for a change, contact Mike Moody at 955-6800.
Tom Jasper Chevrolet AUTOMOTIVE BE A SUCCESS Our business is super! Due to the big increase in volume we are now hiring eight (8) professional salespeople. No automobile experience is needed. All you need is 8 desire a willingness to learn. If interested see Tom Patton, between 3 6 P.M., Mon. through Fri.
Town Country FORD 6015 Preston Howy. You'll get better response to your Classified ad if you include the price of the item you have to sell. Call 582-2622. Help Wanted 205 Personals 249 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOBILE SALES PEOPLE EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED Best inventory and location in the Midwest. Excellent pay plan and demonstrator plan.
Please don't hesitate to call us in complete confidence if you are at all dissatisfied in your present situation or looking for an opportunity for advancement. Call in confidence and ask for Mr. Rick Hulcha. Dodge World 5311 Dixie Hgwy. 448-6800 11.7 14.4 14.6 14.8 16.7 29.4 (UG) forecasts chance of showers Fridegrees cooler for the Friday and in the 40s to lows in the 30s Friday 20s to mid 30s Saturday observations were made the previous Lo Weather Rain 41 Clear 70 Clear a Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain Rain Snow Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear 37 Rain Today's Forecasts Lo-Hi Sunny Partly Cloudy 30-52 Cloudy 23-32 Sunny 29-53 Sunny 14-24 Sunny 11-26 Cloudy 30-50 Sunny 29-55 Sunny 11-39 Cloudy 13-29 Sunny 02-15 Cloudy 53-72 Cloudy 00-20 Sunny -15-8 Windy 32-46 Sunny 28-48 Sunny 15-36 Sunny 22-42 Sunny 12-36 Sunny 17-38 Sunny 07-29 Sunny 21-46 Sunny 13-33 Partly Cloudy 35-65 Cloudy 29-62 Sunny 17-42 Sunny 05-28 Partly Cloudy 32-63 Cloudy 10-15 Sunny 06-29 Showers 32-46 Cloudy 35-48 Sunny -4-13 Sunny 65-81 Partly Cloudy 40-68 Sunny 17-38 Sunny 34-64 Sunny 30-60 Showers 34-40 Sunny 29-55 Yesterday's City Lo-HI Las Vegas Little Los Angeies Memphis Miami Beach Milwaukee 15-25 15-25 Nashville.
20-54 New Orleans New York 16-22 Norfolk, Va. Oklahoma City 25-41 Orlando 40-63 Philadelphia 16-40 Phoenix 54-70 Pittsburgh 11-21 Portland, Portland, 22-41 Rapid City 22-41 27-52 Richmond 20-35 St. Louis St. Pete- Tampa Salt Lake City 18-23 San Diego 61-67 San Francisco San Juan, P.R. 69-85 Sault Ste.
Marie 04-13 Seattle 37-50 30-73 Sioux Falls 15-28 14-36 Tucson 50-70 Tulsa 36-56 Washington, D.C.....20-25 Wichita 30-52 Roger Nelson pronounced Howell Larry Howell 31- dead at the scene. grandmother, Monday Police did not know if Thomas The funeral was injured Thomas' or if any charges were day at Community KY filed. age and address were Church, with not available. Family Cemetery. Bar- Howell was a sales representative Visitation is was for Brown Food Services in Louisa.
a.m. today, road Survivors include his wife, the forand mer Sandy Crisp; two daughters, Carter Funeral was Misti and Angela Howell; his par- of arrangements. Paul ents, Estill and Anna Jean Howell; The family two sisters, Carole Pruitt of Lexing- sions of sympathy Coroner ton and Judy Endicott; a brother, contributions Legal Notices 105 Legal Notices 105 dered by mail or in person. Notices cannot be received by phone. Deadline for receiving copy is: Monday for Thursday Tuesday for Friday Wednesday for Saturday Thursday for Sunday and Monday Friday for Tuesday and Wednesday No proof deadline upon request.
When submitting copy please indicate if notice should run in The CourierJournal, in The Louisville Times or in both The CourierJournal The Louisville Times and date(s) notice is to appear. If submitted in person; bring to The Courier-Journal The Louisville Times Customer Service Counter in the first floor lobby. If submitted by mail, send to: The Courier -Journal and The Louisville Times "Legal Advertising" Advertising Customer Services Department 525 W. Broadway Louisville, Kentucky 40202 The publisher's liability for any errors or failure to print legal notices shall be limited to the cost of the advertisem*nt(s). If you need any additional information, please call 582-4731, 8:30 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS Green River Valley Water District, Hart, Barren, Larue, Green and Metcalfe Counties, Kentucky (the will, until the 24th day of Januarv, 1986, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., CST (local time), receive at the offices of the District, North U.S. Highway 31-W, Cave City, Barren County, Kentucky 42127, sealed bids for the purchase at not less than par of the District's $373,000 'Waterworks Revenue Bonds, of 1986 (the dated as of the date of delivery and bearing interest from said date, maturing in installments on April 1 of the years 1988 to 2025, inclusive, and bearing interest at such rate as may be established on the basis of competition. The Bonds are issued pursuant to KRS 74.370 and KRS 96.350 to 96.510, inclusive. The maturity and redemption provisions, places of payment and other details are set forth in the Official Notice of Bond Sale.
Bids may be submitted at not less than par value for the entire issue of Bonds. Bidders shall stipulate a single interest rate for the Bonds in a multiple of of or of The Bonds will be payable (on 8 parity with certain outstanding bonds) only from and secured of by the gross income and revea pledge of a fixed portion nues to be derived from the oceration of the Disirict's municipal waterworks and water distribution system, subiect, however, to the prior and superior pledges, liens and rights securing the District's outstanding Waterworks Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, A and Series dated April 1, 1974, and Revenue Bonds, Series of dated October 20, 1977. The Bonds are being issued to provide funds to pay the costs of construction and installation of maior imerovements and additions to the District's munici- AUTOMOTIVE BODY SHOP PAINTER One of Louisville's finest automobile dealerships is in need of several highly qualified painters for its body shop. Excellent fringe benefit package along with competitive pay. Send resume salary requirements to P.O.
Box 6322, Louisville, KY 40207. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CLERK Will be responsible for keeping sales records. Experience with Auto dealer helpful but not required. Must be sharp with figures. Entry level position.
Inquire in person: Royal Dodge 4136 Shelbyville Rd. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN If you're not getting enough hours but you are qualified, call me for an appointment. Today's Prec. Forecasts Lo-HI .00 Cloudy 41-60 .00 Sunny 34-58 .00 Showers 60-66 .00 Sunny 23-44 .00 Sunny 30-59 .00 Fair 42-72 .00 Sunny 12-31 .00 Sunny 12-33 Sunny 22-51 .00 Sunny 39-65 .00 Sunny 11-24 Sunny 21-32 .00 Partly Cloudy 31-63 Sunny 22-47 .00 Sunny 34-66 Sunny 13-20 Partly Cloudy 52-70 Sunny 10-27 .05 Sunny -10-13 .00 Partly Cloudy 37-49 Sunny 18-40 Partly Cloudy 23-54 Cloudy 28-47 Sunny 15-33 Sunny 27-52 Sunny 38-66 Foggy 19-31 .00 Partly Cloudy 58-66 .24 Partly Cloudy 48-57 Sunny 70-85 Sunny -8-18 .00 Rain 40-47 Partly Cloudy 37-65 Sunny 16-37 Cloudy 22-32 Partly Cloudy 50-68 .00 Partly Cloudy 31-61 .04 Sunny 19-30 .00 Sunny 28-54 of Lexington; and his Dania Bingham. will be at 11 a.m.
toUnited Methodist burial in the Bingham at the church after 10 Home is in charge requests that exprestake the form of to the church. Legal Notices 105 grants from the U. S. Department of the interior, Office of Surface Mining (OSM). Revenue for this program is derived from fees collected by the federal government on each ton of coal produced in Commonwealth.
the The Cabinet has prepared the Fifth Annual Grant Appllcation package of specific reclamation proiects located throughout the coal producing regions of the Commonwealth. Public meetings have been scheduled to receive public comment prior to submission of the application to OSM. All interested persons are encouraged to attend either or both of the public meetings scheduled below for maximum public participation. The meetings will be held: January 14, 1986 Hazard 7:00 pm KY River Area Development Office Perry County Road January 16, 1986 Madisonville 7:00 pm Madisonville Community College Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Division of Abandoned Lands at 618 Teton Trail, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 by telephoning (502) 564-2141." NOTICE TO KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY CUSTOMERS The Kentucky Public Service Commission has ordered that pursuant to Commission Regulation 807 KAR 5:056, Section 1 (11), the Kentucky Utilities Company shall appear before the Commission for the purpose of examining the application of the Company's fuel adjustment clause (KU Tariff PSC No. 11, Sheet 24) for the period May 1, 1985, through October 31, 1985.
A public hearing concerning this matter will be held at the Commission's offices at 730 Schenkel Lane, P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, on January 28, 1986 at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Kentucky Utilities Company One Quality Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 INVITATION Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer. District until 2:00 P.M., local time, January 24, 1986, for the following: Four (4) hoseline units, including hand disconnect, 7 cubic foot aluminum cylinder and carrying case. Scott Aviation part number 900007-23.
Twenty-four (24) extension hoses, 50 feet long, Scott Aviation part number 6141-00. Proposals submitted for consideration shall be placed inside an envelope, sealed and the outside marked as follows: LIFE SUPPORT UNIT FOR LOUISVILLE AND JEFFERSON COUNTY METROPOLITAN SEWER DISTRICT ATTENTION: PURCHASING MANAGER Proposal forms, including Specifications and Instructions for Bidders, may be obtained from MSD's Purchasing Department, Fourth Floor, Metropolitan Sewer District Building, 400 South Sixth Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202. LOUISVILLE JEFFERSON COUNTY METROPOLITAN SEWER DISTRICT DANIEL E. FRIEDMAN PURCHASING MANAGER REQUEST FOR BIDS INSURANCE Sealed bids will be received at the Flatwoods, Kentucky City Clerks' office until 5:00 P.M. February 4, 1986 for General Liability and Auto Insurance.
For specifications call or write City Clerk, City of Flatwoods, 2411 Argillite Road, Flatwoods, Kentucky 41139, Phone 606-836-9661 or you may pick them up at the Service Mgr. at: NEIL HOFFMAN NISSAN 3922 Dutchmans Lane In DuPont Square 897-3151 AUTOMOTIVE Brakeperson. Must be experienced in cars, heavy truck trailer brakes. Apply in person only: MEDLEY AUTO TRUCK ALIGNMENT SERVICE 2103 Old Shepherdsville Rd. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS HELPER GM Dealer.
Downtown. 5 days. Excellent benefits, Write to Box P-433 Times, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202 AUTOMOTIVE Front End Technician Experience tools necessary. Apply in person or call: Senn's Frame Alignment 3700 Cane Run Rd 778-5578 BABYSIT, your home, 5:30, days Portland area.
Call 587-7734 after 6 pm. CARRIERS CARRIER ROUTES AVAILABLE The Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Has routes available in the following areas. CASH BONDS REQUIRED. CALL 589-JOBS, leave name, address and phone number and area of interest. Sunflower and So.
Crums Approx. profit month. Call Frank Abell Business to Business Services Pets Agri-Business Real Estate for Rent Real Estate for Sale Mobile Living Auctions Merchandise for Recreation Transportation The Courier -Journal, The Louisville Times an 350 399 400 499 500 549 550 599 600 649 650 689 690 698 699 700 799 800 899 900 999 100 199 Death Notices 100 LEFLER, Timothy Richard Age 15, died Jan. 7, 1986 in Orlando, Fla. He was a native of Fairfield, Calif.
He is survived by his parents, Larry Charlessetta "'Charlie' Lefler of Orlando, formerty of Louisville; a sister, Tonya Lefler of Orlando; his grandparents Chester Betty Lefler of Louisville John Geraldine Tucker of Orlando. Numerous aunts, uncles cousins also survive. A Memorial Service was held Thurs. Jan. 9, 1986 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Orlando, Fl.
SHIBLEY, Mrs. Jennie Hagg Age 79 vears at 1:30 am Jan. 14, 1986 at Baptist Hospital East. Her residence was 9912 Seatonville Rd. Beloved mother of Anna Rose Will; devoted sister of Mrs.
Hallie Rogers, Mrs. Lena Pearl Hood, Mrs. Bertha Abney, Mrs. Lillie Harris, Willie Ray Bobby Ernest Hago; grandmother of Bradley, Jerry and Duke; also survived by 5 step-grandchildren and 3 step-great-grandchildren. Funeral at 11 am Thurs.
at the McAfee Funeral Home, 3928 Bardstown Rd. with burial in Resthaven Memorial Park. Legal No IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notices may be or- Summerfield Petty Jay Summerfield Tempsclair Approx. profit month. Call Chris Knoop St.
James-Belgravia Ct. (1400 block) Approx. profit month. Call Michael Taylor Richie Wayne Baydine Area Approx. profit week.
Call Curt Boden Westport Walser Rds. Approx. profit mo. Call Pat Weis pal waterworks and water distribution system. The Farmers Home Administration of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture will submit a bid for the purchase of the Bonds. In the event of a receipt of any bid from a nongovernmental lender the rate and terms of which are deemed to be reasonable by FmHA, then such FmHA bid will be withdrawn. Good faith deposit by cashier's or certified check payable 10 the District in the amount of $7,460 is required. The successful bidder or bidders will be furnished, without cost, the approving. legal opinion of Harper, Ferguson Davis, Louisville, Kentucky, Bond Counsel, and customary closing documents, including nolitigation certificate.
Right to reiect all bids is expressly reserved. Bids are to be made on the Official Bid Form, copies of which, together with the Official Notice of Bond Sale and other information, may be obtained the District Secretary at the above address. Jack London Chairman of the Commission SALE DEMOLITION OF IMPROVEMENTS ACQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Bids for the sale demolition of improvements listed herein will be opened at 10:00 A.M. EST, January 29, 1986, at the District Right of Way Office at the Department. of Highways, 977 Phillips Lane, Louisville, Kentucky.
Jefferson County; Item No. FSP 056-0264 007-020 037R; 00001-02641-085 1-264 Newburg interchange PARCEL TYPE IMPROVEMENTS FORMER OWNER 688: sty. frame res. May 690: 1 sty. res.
Crawford 748: sty. frame garage: Karcher 757: sty, stone res. Riley 759: sty. brick res. Cox Jefferson County; Item No.
FSP 056-0264 007-020 037R; 00001-02641-081 1-264 Taylor Boulevard interchange PARCEL TYPE IMPROVEMENTS FORMER OWNER 78: -shaped billboard: Naegle 79: 2 sty. frame shed Siemens 90: 1 sty. block bidg. Gra-Bur, Inc. 103: sty.
frame garage: Pluckerbaum THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. Representatives of the Right of Way show Division will be available to prospective bidders said property by appointment only. Bid forms, instructions and other governing information may be secured the agent showing the property or from the above designated Right of Way Office. NO PROPOSALS WILL BE MAILED. For further information call 367-6411, Ext.
371, Louisville, Kentucky. All bids received by mail must be received in the above designated office before the date and hour set for the opening of bids and should contain the following information on the front of the envelope: "Sealed Bid" Opening Date. Address all mailed bids to the Department of Highways, Division of Right of Way, P.O. Box 37090, Louisville, Kentucky 40233. AWARDS WILL BE MADE ON A LUMP SUM BASIS FOR DEMOLITION.
PARCELS LISTED FOR BIDS ARE ON SEWERS. The Department of Highways hereby notifies all bidders it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisem*nt, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin when being considered for an award. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, Division of Abandoned Lands in the Department for Natural Resources has developed a program to reclaim Kentucky's abandoned mined lands and 10 control or abate the adverse effects of past coal mining. The program is funded by Rufer Winter Bardstown Grinstead Lydia St. Hepburg Baxter E.
Burnett Eastern Pkwy. Approx. profit $200- Call Barry Whitman Edgeland Willow Cherokee Pkwy. Grinstead Wallace Weber Aves. Bardstown Duker Approx.
profit $275- Call Doug Pickerill Candlelight Subdivision Call Rob Rupp Nobile Place Dixie Approx. profit mo. Call Ricky Wright Ponder Dixie Approx. profit mo. Call Kevin Volk AUTO 4 Additional Sales People WE OFFER: 1.
Demo Plan, 2. Vacation, 3. Profit Sharing Plan, 4. Medical Insurance Program, 5. Monthly Bonus Program, 6.
Training, 7. Opportunity For Above Average Income WE REQUIRE: work habits, 2. Sales Experience, 3. References, 4. Desire to Succeed See John Bogdon or Kevin Davis doubleMONT 5340 Dixie Hwy.