Vendeur: rarewaves-europe ✉️ (199.371) 97.9%, Lieu où se trouve: GU14 0GT, GB, Lieu de livraison: WORLDWIDE, Numéro de l'objet: 196446314773 Jerry Savelle Kenneth Copeland The Favor of God (Relié). Détails de l’annonceTitre: The Favor of God Condition: Neuf EAN: 9780800797065 ISBN: 9780800797065 Publisher: Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group Format: Relié Date de publication: 2012-08-15 Item Height: 237 Item Length: 159.00 Poids: 424g Auteur: Jerry Savelle, Kenneth Copeland Sujet: Anglais ISBN-10: 080079706X Description: The grace of God is often referred to as unmerited favor. In fact, the very meaning of grace is favor. In this extraordinary book written at a time when people need God's favor more than ever, Jerry Savelle shows how the favor of God is not only available to the believer, but also promised. Drawing from his own experience and his deep knowledge of the Scriptures, Dr. Savelle explains how to actively walk and grow in divine favor, and by doing so enjoy the practical as well as the supernatural benefits for such a time as this, when many are living in fear and uncertainty. The Favor of God will not just inspire readers. By God's grace and favor, it will empower them. Pays/Région de fabrication: US Item Width: 17.00 Genre: Philosophy & Spirituality Année de publication: 2012 Information manquante?Veuillez nous contacter pour toute information manquante, nous l’ajouterions volontiers dans notre description.
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Popularité - Jerry Savelle Kenneth Copeland The Favor of God (Relié)
0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 2 days for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 5 disponibles.
Prix - Jerry Savelle Kenneth Copeland The Favor of God (Relié)
Vendeur - Jerry Savelle Kenneth Copeland The Favor of God (Relié)
199.371+ articles vendu. 2.1% évaluations négative. Bon vendeur avec bonne rétroaction positive et bonne quantité de cotes.
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