Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (2024)

The ‘Borderlands 2 Save File Editor‘ by Gibbed lets you create new save files or modify existing save data in Borderlands 2. For example, you can level up your Vault Hunter, add more money, skip missions, and add awesome weapons to your backpack. Check here if you are looking for the Borderlands the Pre-Sequel Save File Editor.

This tool has been updated to work with the latest DLC, Commander Lilith and the fight for Sanctuary.

How to install:

  • PC
  • Xbox
  • Playstation 3


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (1)

Install on PC

  1. Download the latest version of the Borderlands 2 Save File Editor
    • (Optional) .NET Framework 4 is necessary to run Gibbed’s Save Editor. You need to install this if your PC doesn’t already has this.
  2. Open Gibbed’s
  3. Click “Open”. PC should be the platform selected by default.
  4. Navigate to your save folder. Gibbed’s should already be here by default.
    C:\Users\(Your Username)\My Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\76561201192991173
  5. Open your save and mod away.


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (2)

Install on Xbox

  1. Download the latest version of theBorderlands 2 Save File Editor.
    • (Optional).NET Framework 4is necessary to run Gibbed’s Save Editor. You need to install this if your PC doesn’t already has this.
  2. Download Horizon. You need this to extract and inject your save files from the Xbox platform.
  3. Copy your save data from your Xbox to an USB drive.
  4. Open Horizon
  5. Select your save file and extract it to your preferred location on your PC.
    • Optional: Make a backup of your save​

  6. Drag and Drop the Save0000.sav file into Horizon
  7. Click the “Contents” tab and extract theSaveGame.savfile.
  8. Open Gibbed’s
  9. Click “Open” and select Xbox as your platform in the dropdown menu.
  10. Select yourSaveGame.savfile.
  11. Mod your save as you please.
  12. Save and Replace theSaveGame.sav
  13. Drag and Drop the Save0000.sav file back into Horizon
  14. Click the “Contents” tab, Right Click theSaveGame.savfile, select “Replace”, and select theSaveGame.savfile you just created.
  15. Save, Rehash, and Resign
  16. Save To Your USB Device

Playstation 3

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (3)

Install on Playstation 3

  1. Download the latest version of theBorderlands 2 Save File Editor.
    • (Optional).NET Framework 4is necessary to run Gibbed’s Save Editor. You need to install this if your PC doesn’t already has this.
  2. Download these additional tools:
  3. Drag and drop your entire save folder from your USB Device to your preferred location on your PC
    • Optional: Make a backup of your save​

  4. Open Bruteforce.
  5. Navigate to your save folder
  6. Select your save file and click “Decrypt PFD” and “Decrypt All Files”
  7. Open Gibbed’s
  8. Click “Open” and select PS3 as your platform in the dropdown menu.
  9. Open the save file you decrypted
  10. Mod the save as you please
  11. Save And Replace the save file in the PS3 folder you copied from the USB Device
  12. Open BruteForce, select “Update PFD (Full)”, then select “Encrypt PFD” and “Encrypt All Files”
  13. Open your USB Device and replace the save folder with the one you created

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor Overview:

  • General
  • Currency
  • Fast Travel
  • Backpack
  • Bank
  • RAW


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (4)

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor – 1 General Tab

  • Save Slot
  • Platform – Change this to whatever platform you want the save to be played on
  • Class – Determines which character class the save is
  • Experience Level – Determines your character’s level (1-61)
    • Sync Button adjusts your level according to your experience points.
  • Experience Points – Determines how much xp your character has
    • Sync Button adjusts your points according to your experience level.
  • General Skill Points – Determines how many skill points you have to spend in your skill trees
  • Specialist Skill Points – Unknown
  • Name – Determines your character’s name as set in the Quick Change Station
  • Head – Determines which head your character is wearing in game
  • Skin – Determines which skin your character is wearing in game


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (5)

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor – 2 Currency

  • Credits – Max is 99999999 in game
  • Eridium – Max is 500 in game
  • Seraph Crystals – Max is 999 in game
  • Torgue Tokens – Max is 999 in game

Fast Travel

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (6)

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor – 3 Fast Travel

  • Last Visited Teleporter – Determines which teleporter you visited last in the game
  • Visited Teleporters – Determines which teleporters you’ve visited in the game


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (7)

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor – 4 Backpack

  • New Weapon – Create a new weapon from scratch to appear in your backpack in game
    • Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Weapon​
  • New Item – Create a new item from scratch to appear in your backpack in game
    • Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Item​
  • Paste Code – Used to paste weapon and item codes from your clipboard. These codes are generated by the save editor.
  • Sync Equipped – Syncs equipped items to your current Experience Level
  • Sync All – Syncs all items in the backpack to your current Experience Level

Right-Clicking items in the backpack will give you four options:

  • Copy Code – Will copy the weapon code to your clipboard
  • Duplicate – Will make a duplicate of the item selected
  • Bank – Presumably this should move the item to the bank from the backpack but appears to be broken at the moment.
  • Delete – Deletes the item selected from the backpack.


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (8)

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor – 5 bank

  • New Weapon– Create a new weapon from scratch to appear in your bank in game
    • Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Weapon​
  • New Item– Create a new item from scratch to appear in your bank in game
    • Note: Use Drop-Down menu to create a DLC Item​
  • Paste Code– Used to paste weapon and item codes from your clipboard. These codes are generated by the save editor.
  • Sync Equipped – Syncs equipped items to your current Experience Level
  • Sync All– Syncs all items in the backpack to your current Experience Level

Right-Clicking items in the backpack will give you four options:

  • Copy Code– Will copy the weapon code to your clipboard
  • Duplicate– Will make a duplicate of the item selected
  • UnBank– Presumably this should move the item to the backpack from the bank but appears to be broken at the moment.
  • Delete– Deletes the item selected from the backpack.


Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (9)

Borderlands 2 Save File Editor – 6 raw

  • ActiveMissionNumber– The mission number you currently have selected.
  • AppliedCustomizations– Just tells you what head and skin you have selected.
  • AwesomSkillDisabled– This is you Badass Rank, if this the box is checked then when you load your game, all of your will be disabled.
  • BankSlots– You can add space there but I can never seem to get it to work.
  • BlackMarketUpgrades– Here you can change the amount of SDUs you have bought from the Black Market(Ammo, Bank, Inventory Space).
  • ChallengeList– Here it shows a list of the Challenges that you can complete in game. Have yet to mess with it.
  • CurrencyOnHand– This is just a list that copies what you typed in the Currency tab.
  • DLCExpansionData– The ID number associated with the DLC (Ex. Pirate’s Booty = 1).
  • DLCClassPackage– This is the set ID for the DLC character (Ex. Mechromancer = 2).
  • ExpLevel– This is just a copy of what level the character is.
  • ExpPoints– This is just a copy of how many exp points the character has.
  • FullyExploredAreas– Here is a list that shows the regions you have fully uncovered.
  • GeneralSkillPoints– This is just a copy of how many skill points the character has.
  • InventorySlotData– Can’t change.
  • IsBadassModeSaveGame– Should always say False.
  • IsDLCPlayerClass– Checked for DLC characters such as Mechromancer(and future characters)
  • ItemData– Here you can add items to your character(Relics). Havn’t needed to use it before.
  • LastPlaythroughNumber– It might state what playthrough you last played on.
  • LastSavedDate– Means the last time the character was saved.
  • LastVisitedTeleporter– Names the last Fast Travel station you used.
  • LevelChallengeUnlocks– This has something to do with your Challenge completion.
  • LockoutList– Resetting the “Time” to 0 allows you to keep fighting the Raid Bosses.
  • MarketingCodesNeeded– You can unlock certain things pertaining to Pre-order DLC and the Premiere Club.
  • MaxBankSlots– You can change the amount of space in the bank here, but I never used this method.
  • MissionPlaythroughs– Here is a list off your current and active quests. You can change what quest you want to be on and if you’ve completed it or not.
  • NumChallengePrestiges– Lists the challenges you “Prestiged”
  • NumGoldenKeyesNotified– Changing how many keyes you have here does not work.
  • OneOffLevelChallengeCompletion– The data for certain Challenges are listed here.
  • PackedItemData– I think this just says how many items are equipped(Grenades, Sheilds, Relics, Class Mods)..
  • PackedWeaponData– I think this just says how many weapons are equipped.
  • PlayerClass– States what class you picked.
  • PlaythroughsCompleted– Here you can change the numbers of playthroughs you have completed(0 means 1st Playthrough, 2 means TVHM).
  • PlotMissionNumber– This number is for what Main Quest mission you’re on. But make sure you change the Plot Mission to match this number.
  • QueuedTrainingMessages– This is a blank list.
  • RecievedDefaultWeapon– Checked or Unchecked, it does nothing.
  • RegionGameStages– Here you can enter in specific area/locations in the world and change the levels of the enemies.
  • ResourceData– Here you can change the amount of ammo you have for each of your guns.
  • SaveGameID– Just a copy of the ID in the General tab.
  • ShowNewPlaythroughNotification– Check or Unchecked, it does nothing.
  • SkillData– Here is a list of all you character’s skills. You can change the amount of points you used on each.
  • SpecialistSkillPoints– Nobody knows what they are or do.
  • StatsData– Doesn’t Change
  • TotalPlayTime– You can change the amount of time spent in the game.
  • UIPreferenceData– Doesn’t Change
  • ALL UNKNOWNS– Can’t change anything here.
  • UsedMarketingCodes– You can unlock certain things pertaining to Pre-order DLC and the Premiere Club.
  • VistedTeleporters- This is a list of all the Fast Travel Stations you’ve unlocked.
  • WeaponData– Here you can add and change things about your weapons. I don’t use this method though.
  • WorldDiscoveryList– This is a list of all the locations in the world and you can check off the boxes to say “Uncovered”.

How to mod your ammo:

Get more Storage Deck Upgrades (SDU) by following these guides for either Console or PC.


  1. Go to the “Raw” tab
  2. Scroll down to “BlackMarketUpgrades” and click “(Collection)”
  3. Replace the first seven lines with the following
  1. Scroll down to”ResourceData” and click “(Collection)”
  2. In the new window select each “ResourceData” and paste “2147483647” without the quotations in to the “Amount” field for each one.
  3. The number in the “Amount” field will automatically change to “2.147484E+09” which is normal.


  1. Go to the “Raw” tab
  2. Scroll down to “BlackMarketUpgrades” and click “(Collection)”
  3. Replace the first seven lines with the following
  1. Scroll down to”ResourceData” and click “(Collection)”
  2. In the new window select each “ResourceData” and paste “99999” without the quotations in to the “Amount” field for each one.
Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed (2024)


How to get gibbed save editor in Borderlands 2? ›

Install on PC
  1. Download the latest version of the Borderlands 2 Save File Editor. (Optional) . ...
  2. Open Gibbed's.
  3. Click “Open”. PC should be the platform selected by default.
  4. Navigate to your save folder. Gibbed's should already be here by default. ...
  5. Open your save and mod away.
Jan 5, 2022

What is gibbed in Borderlands 2? ›

It's a save editor, basically cheating. Gibbed is a save file editor. It has more uses than just cheating & it's perfectly safe / fine to use if you like.

Is Borderlands 2 save editor safe? ›

its safe. None of the Borderlands games (1, 2, or TPS) are VAC enabled. It's a multiplayer co-op game, not a competitive game. You can do whatever you like to your saves, Steam doesn't care.

Can you use gibbed on PS5? ›

If playing on ps4 or 5, upload the save to the ps+ online storage and on ur newer console download the save and load it up in game and it should be good to go.

How do you paste code into gibbed? ›

Highlight the code, right click on the code, select copy. Go to Gibbed & in the backpack tab there is a paste code button at the top. Click it!

How do I import saves into Borderlands 2? ›

From the platform that currently has the save file that you want to transfer:
  1. In the main menu of Borderlands 2 select the character you wish to transfer.
  2. Select the bottom option on the menu, “Cross-Save”
  3. While connected to the Sony Entertainment Network/PSN select “Upload Current Character”

Can I get banned for modding Borderlands 2? ›

no, you will not get banned in any way, ever, in this game. feel free to try whatever is possible ingame & with external software. do me and some likeminded people a favor tho: don't try your cheat engine stuff in random multiplayer.

What is the maximum level in BL2? ›

Specifically, this has been the maximum level for every mainline game in the Borderlands franchise released after the original game, except for a surprise expansion that eventually raised the cap to 80 in Borderlands 2.

Is there swearing in Borderlands 2? ›

The game contains some strong and moderate language that is subtitles, but censored, including the words "s--t," and "a--hole." Fictional coarse language is occasionally used, such as "skaglicker" or "slaggund".

What is the max currency in Borderlands 2? ›

In Borderlands 2, the money is limited to $99,999,999 and will not increase beyond that.

How to add golden key in BL2? ›

Players can unlock additional Golden Keys via codes given away by Gearbox or its employees. Codes can be entered only once per SHiFT account and are independent of your character saves you've got; meaning, one key works across all your saves.

Does PS5 allow game mods? ›

Typically, the only mods you can use on PS5 are those available because a game incorporates mods into itself as a feature, such as Skyrim.

How to add golden key in Bl2? ›

Players can unlock additional Golden Keys via codes given away by Gearbox or its employees. Codes can be entered only once per SHiFT account and are independent of your character saves you've got; meaning, one key works across all your saves.

Who drops Unkempt Harold? ›

Unkempt Harold is a legendary pistol manufactured by Torgue. In Borderlands 2, It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Savage Lee located in Three Horns - Divide.

Where are the customization shop in Borderlands 2? ›

The Customization Station can be found in Sanctuary and Liar's Berg. It allows the player to change their heads and skins, and respec their skill points.

Where are Borderlands 2 remastered save files? ›

Yeah! Documents -> My Games -> Borderlands 2 -> Willow -> Save Data -> Choose recent folder -> Bunch of files, choose . sav file (the save file) Transfer or copy that over when you run Bl2 from Epic.

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